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St James Anglican Church Kentville, Nova Scotia

Garden of Rest
St. James burial ground.

It has long been the tradition of the Anglican Church to bury the remains of the deceased parishioners next to the church in which they worshipped when alive. St. James being an urban Church does not have land for a cemetery but has set aside an area of lawn as a burial ground for cremated remains. This Garden of Rest is a secluded area between the church and church hall protected by a security fence. It is a beautiful area where the bereaved can find peace and comfort away from the busyness of life. Cremated remains are buried in elected plots and the names of the deceased are recorded on the granite Memorial Wall and in the Book of Remembrance kept in the church.
The current price for a plot is $500 which has been in place since January 1st 2008 and will be reviewed in 2022.
Cost of Internment and cost of any engraving on the Memorial Wall, if required, are decided at the time of action and are the responsibility of the family.
Rules for Garden of Rest Burial Grounds
Ashes are to be interred after a Christian Burial Service under the direction of the Rector or Designate and conforming to the Service of the Anglican Church of Canada.
The plots in the Garden of Rest are intended for the use of those listed, or formerly listed, on the Parish Roll, and others at the discretion of the Rector.
Ashes to be interred are to be placed in biodegradable or non-biodegradable container and buried below ground level. Cost of internment is the responsibility of the family.
Fresh floral tributes may be placed at the base of the Memorial Wall and will be removed after two weeks. No flowers or articles are to be placed on the plot.
The purchase of a plot allows for an inscription on the Memorial Wall but it is not mandatory. The cost of the inscription is the responsibility of the family.
The names of the deceased is recorded in the Book of Remembrance which rests in the chapel.
A key for the fence padlock is issued to the family for their use at any time.
The security fence remainds padlocked at all other times, opened only for Internment Services.

Learn More
If you are interested in a plot for internment or discussing the Garden of Rest with an administrator or the Rector, fill out the form below or send an email to stjames@ns.sympatico.ca
Church Address:
Church Phone Number:
Rectory Address:
Rectory Phone Number: